The Germans fielded an elite unit of Veteran Fallschirmjäger consisting of 2 * 10man squads supported by an MG42 and a light mortar. This gave 6 activation dice
The Soviets had a larger, but lower quality, force of regulars and inexperienced troops. They fielded 3*10man squads, an SMG squad, an MMG, a medium mortar and a sniper team. This gave 8 activation dice
We opted for a very simple scenario with both sides trying to capture a small farm complex and eliminate the enemy.
The Game
The two sides adopted slightly different strategies. The Germans focused most of their troops to their left and centre, using the MG42 to hold their right flank. The more numerous Soviets place a rifle squad on each flank with the third rifle squad ad the SMGs in the centre to take the farm.Deployment overview |
The German deployment |
Soviets advance on their left |
Soviet SMG squad takes the house |
The German left |
Soviet snipers go to work |
The Soviet left |
Tussle for the farm in the centre |
The Verdict
Overall an enjoyable game and the core mechanics worked well. Activation of units is done by drawing a dice of the appropriate colour from a bag and then using it to indicate what the chosen unit will do e.g. Rally Shoot, Move etc. So activation order is somewhat randomised but every unit will get a go. Depending how suppressed they are they might not do anything other than go to ground though.With a new set of rules you are never sure if any funnies are problems, bad tactics, or us just getting it wrong and not reading the rules properly. So the major things to look at for next time are:
1. How does line of sight work over hedges? We treated more than 1 as cover but should LOS stop at the first hedge?
3. Veterans are tough to hit and kill. Not a criticism as it felt right. Hard cover though did nt seem to offer much more protection than soft.
4. Are we doing suppression right? The classic tactics of a base of fire to pin the element down and manoeuvre to a flanked did nt quite seem to work as the pinning was not hugely effective.
5. The potential for double-entendre was off the chart with units Going Down and people rummaging in their sacks (for activations dice) all over the place. Kenneth Williams would have a field day.
At first try this appears to be a set where concentration of fire is key. I should say another set of rules where concentration is key. At frst he Russians were shooting at the Germans oppisite them, but being veterans the Germans were able to avoid suffering morale penalties from the light casualties caused. Once the Russians got platoons onto one target and added in fire from the maxim and the mortar the Germans started to take more casualties per round and this inhibited their ability to respond as they went down the morale ladder. By the end the Soviet central commander was havng a field day switching the mortar and mg fire around as he saw threat or weakness.
ReplyDeleteIts really quite damaging that the Soviets had eight activation dice to tye Germans six. The units that suffered casualties had less chance of kills so it is a great advantage to shoot first. If you plan to have two or three units shoot at one opponent then yaving those two xtra grey dice gives you the opportunity to shoot first with two units on one and pull down the enemy's abilities.
It will be interesting to see what a more detailed reading of the rules throws up now we've seen how the basic game works