
Tally Ho!

Saturday 10 August 2024

Wars of Religion - week 5

With the South winning all last week's games they were on the attack across the line this week. 

Game 1 - Landsknechts (north) vs WOR (south), surrounded at the flag

The North found themselves emplaced behind a stream and defending their camp from attack. They were surrounded on two sides and had a combat advantage due to the streams slippery banks.

Germans on the defensive

The attackers adopted a softly-softly approach, probing for weaknesses and looking for a lucky round of shooting that may give them the edge. For the first half of the game no obvious advantage came and the defenders were comfortable.      

The Germans became fidgety behind their defences and in the end decided they would attack the southern forces. This created a gap in the line and some more accurate shooting led to the loss of a Tercio, widening the hole further.   

With darkness fast approaching the southern forces managed to get a unit of Harquebusier across the river and claim the won by a single point. Southern Win.   

south sneaks the win 

Game 2 - Polish (north) vs WOR (south) - Determination 

In this encounter both sides were marching to the front and sought to get as many troops over the half way line as possible. The Polish were mostly elite heavy cavalry supported by a few foot against a WOR army with several pike & shot units.      

The Poles attacked quickly using Hussars on both flanks and hoping to blitz the southern Horse before turning inwards. The last two games have been marked by very poor dice for the Poles and the trend continued. They made progress on their left but were thrown back on the right before eventually succumbing.   


Lacking the numbers of the WOR army, the Poles were unable to get many units over the half way line and so lost. Southern Win 

Game 3 - WOR (north) vs WOR / Ottoman mercenaries (south) - Stubborn Defence

The northern army deployed with the bulk of their infantry forward as they were surprised on the march, their Horse looking to catch-up quickly.  

Fearful of the Ottoman's artillery the northern foot fell back from the centre line towards some fields, allowing the Janissaries on the right of the line to occupy some fields, poised to cross the centre and score points.     

Massed southern Horse

On the left all the southern and Ottoman Horse attacked their opposite numbers. The troops were very even but The Force was with the northern Horse and they routed most of the attackers in a couple of turns. They were though too damaged to really take much more part in the game. 

In the last turn northern foot were able to prevent the southern foot from getting across the centre line and the Ottomans had insufficient units to claim the win. Northern Win.  

Campaign Position

With the southern winning two games its them thats on the move and pushing into northern territory for the next set of games.



  1. I like the river, is that self made or bought ?

    1. It was loaned by a player. I think it may be Flames of War terrain originally with banks added.
