After about 3 years of patient collecting and painting I've finally amassed enough troops to stage the Punic Wars in 28mm. Its always been a favourite period of mine, and lets be honest who does nt fancy themselves as a Hannibal. I've played 15mm using both WRG 6th Edition and DBM , but its taken a while to getting around to replacing them with 28mm.
The Romans
The Roman's are arrayed here in a characteristic battle formation with supporting lines. From the rear we have Triarii supported by Penal Legions, Hastati / Principes, Latin allies, and finally Velites at the front. Most of the figures are Victrix 28mm plastics.
The whole army |
Looking in close-up we can see the Velites leading the way with waves of heavy infantry in support.
The left flank |
The right flank |
To the rear as always are the doughty Triarii acting as the final reserve -
rem ad Triarios redisse, or "it has come to the
triarii" as they say.

The Carthaginians
The Carthaginian's are a real mixed-bag of mercenaries and allied African troops, so I've tried to reflect that in the army. They are set out here with Punic troops in the rear, Spanish / Celts in the first line and clouds of Libyan / Numidian skirmishers to the fore. The figures are a real mixture; Victrix, Warlord Games, Crusader Miniatures, Wargames Factory (nolonger available), and 1st Corps. The elephants are party scratch-built with Wargames factory Greeks as crew.
The Carthaginian army |
The army is deployed with the elephants to the left and the cavalry to the right. As befits a Carthaginian army there is a significant contingent of Numidian cavalry.
Left flank - elephants stand ready |
Right flank - the Punic cavalry supporting |
Right flank - the Numidian's make ready |
Hannibal used large numbers of Spanish and Celtic troops to add bulk to his army, so I've done the same.
A big block of Celts itching to get into action |
Finally the elite of the army are Hannibal's African veterans. Here I've depicted them in looted Roman equipment.
The veterans |
The Game
Having tried several sets of rules without much luck we've heeded Lewisgunner's siren call and decided to give Armati II a whirl. The rules appear simple but have lots of subtle features so we're going to d a warm-up campaign first and refight part of the Dacian Wars. So watch this space for the eventual Punic campaign.
Impressive stuff Stuart - a period I have always wanted to dabble in!
ReplyDeleteGiven how long they took to paint I may insist we play every week for a year ;-)