Perthshire Aug 1644 - Covenanters win
A fairly straightforward affair this week as the scenario generator produced a Pitched Battle. Both sides clash head-on but to add some uncertainty, deployment is done behind screens and then revealed. Both sides also place an objective in each sides half that counts as a routed enemy unit if captured. Victory is achieved by routing 50% of the enemy forces.

9 * Foot regiments in 2 brigades
4 * Horse squadrons in 2 regiments
1 * Field artillery
1 * Forlorn Hope
Montrose Forces
3 * Veteran foot regiments (Irish)
4 * Foot Regiments (Gordon Foot)
2* Highlander regiments
5 * Horse in 2 regiments
1 * Field artillery
1 * Light artillery
The Battle
Montrose deployed along the ridge-line behind a stream. On the right were massed the Horse and Highlanders with the Irish Brigade in support. On the left were the lower-grade Gordon foot. The plan was a simple one - to beat-back the Covenanter Horse through superior numbers and turn the flank the position. Meanwhile the weaker left would be refused to allow time for this to be completed.
The covenanters deployed with the bulk of their Foot in the centre. The Horse were on the left (opposite Montrose mounted) and half a Foot brigade deployed on the right to attempt a flanking manoeuvre.
Covenanter centre and left |
Covenanter right - Stuart demonstrates the art of Wargames pointing (again) |
Montrose right - mounted and highlanders |
Montrose refused left flank |
Montrose flank-guards |
The cavalry clash |
The covenanters gain the advantage |
In the centre the Irish Brigade advanced to support the Horse and soon began a fire-fight with the Covenanter Foot. Although well positioned the Irish shooting proved disappointing and casualties soon began to mount against them. Meanwhile on their right the Covenanter Foot advanced steadily and eventually came in range of the weaker Gordon Foot holding the heights.
Irish Brigade under pressure |
Montrose left under pressure |
As the game drew to a conclusion Montrose superiority in Horse began to tell and they were able to force their opponents back. It was however too late, the beleaguered centre was all but gone and the Gordon Foot began to wobble. By now every Royalist commander apart from Montrose was also dead or wounded. Sensing that defeat may be close Montrose ordered a retreat and left the field to the Covenanters.
Montrose Horse finally drive back the enemy |
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