Just the one game this week as the Ottomans pushed deeper into Imperial territory. The scenario was capturing 3 objectives positioned symmetrically on the table.
It was a very different Imperial army that took the the field on this occasion as the infantry were pared right back so that a large force of cuirassiers and demi-lancers could be used. The Ottomans fielded a pretty balanced force.
The Imperials massed all their horse on the west of the field, defending their own objective and threatening the central one. This left only a small force of infantry to contest the centre and some light cavalry to oppose the Ottomans objective.
We'll be running a game at the Cotswold Wargames Day using pretty much all the figures we have. see you there!
KEITH'S WARGAMING BLOG: Cotswold Wargaming Day - Update (keefsblog.blogspot.com)