
Tally Ho!

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Cotswold Wargames Day 2023

A few shots of CWD'23 that took place this past weekend in Northleach. We took a 20mm Inkerman game using Shadow of the Eagles. In the battle the Russians attack through three valleys in swirling fog. The end result saw  one of the columns break through and two held off.

I took a quick tour around the other games there on the day too. There was a splendid Indian Mutiny game featuring some nice NWF terrain. This won best game 2023

Also a skirmish game based on the Sharpe books that seemed to involve drinking wine. 

And the final two were a Spanish-Mexican Wars game and Sharpe Practice ACW

As usual a good time was had by all and its nice to have an event mostly about playing some games and mingling rather than commercial.  


  1. Great Pictures - thanks Stuart! :)

  2. Spookily enough I was having my porridge and bananas this morning while flicking through a copy of wargames illustrated (February 1993)when what was there? An article on the battle of Inkerman by Derek Coleman. Coincidence or what as I had the pleasure of joining in with the clubs game for a while and great fun it was too. Great terrain and marvellous Hinton Hunt figures. Great stuff.

    1. Its our first go at Crimea as a club. There are several more big battles that could make day-long games
