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Sunday, 24 March 2024

D Day Campaign turn 4, part 2 - Benoville and Blainville

 A shorter report this week as we were focusing on completing two games already half done. The British defending 21st Panzers counter attack at Benoville and also attacking at Blainville across the Orne canal.


The British continued their attack from the previous week with infantry pushing across the central bridge whilst the armour tried to mount a flanking attack through the woods. 

They caused significant damage to the German infantry but most of their AT assets were unaffected and so the attack was a cautious one.  The game ended drawn but in an interesting position so it was decided to carry the game into Turn 5 with a flank attack scenario. 


This was quite a tense affair with the British manoeuvring their tanks into the village so they could be protected from the flanks.  Things were on knife-edge as the Germans could only afford to lose a small number of infantry / weapons teams before they would need to roll for morale. 

Both sides suffered losses and so had to roll for morale, which they passed. The game ended with both objectives contested and so was a draw. With the counter attack bunted the British will be back on the attack next week as they try to cross the Orne river.

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