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Sunday, 17 March 2024

D Day Campaign - Turn 4 part 1; Benoville and Blainville

Both games this week were on the British axis of attack. The Brits are trying to outflank the Orne River Bridge by forcing a crossing at Blainville and 21st Panzer is counter attacking at Benoville. The US attack on St Come Du Mont was held over for more players being available. 

Blainville - British assault river crossing

For this battle the Brits received some additional equipment in the shape of two Churchill ARKs and extra smoke rounds to cover the attack.  

Churchill ARKs ready for action

Not being sighted on the British line of attack the Germans spread out across the rover bank with their main AT threats in the centre of the defences. 

The British staged their main assault in the east with smoke and Sherman fire being used to protect the precious ARKs. They also feinted on the small road bridge using Bren Carriers to draw enemy attention.  

The evening ended with about half the turns played and the Brits with some tanks across the river and the Germans trying to shell the ARKs to isolated those troops. 

Benoville - 21st Panzer counter attack

With plentiful light armour available, 21st Panzer spread about across the board looking to tie down the British whilst the heavier Panzer IVs attacked on the west side of the field. 

They advanced steadily in the east taking on then enemy infantry pushed forward to block the attack. In the east the Germans used their assault guns and artillery to attack Benoville but this proved relatively ineffective against the well dug-in Brits.  

With a few turns completed the British has lost their forward deployed units in the west be remained well entrenched around the village. 

The game ended well poised with the Germans in a good position in the west to capture one objective but the British sill having two Churchills intact to disrupt the attack. The game looked likely to turn on who used their tanks best in the next few turns. 


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