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Thursday, 20 February 2025

1815 campaign - practise week 4

This week we had several people returning from flu and so did 3 games based on the famous Sawmill Village scenario featured in Charge! We also used the size of armies intended for the campaign with roughly 2 infantry and 2 cavalry brigades per side plus some independent light infantry. 

British advance

Two of the games were British vs French and the third was Prussian vs Confederation of the Rhine. The British armies are smaller than the the others as they are rated Superior for shooting and don't contain any Inferior troops. 

Prussians defending a village

Long shot for the Prussians vs Confederation of the Rhine 

In all three games there was a single objective in reach players half of the table which could be captured - so basically capture the flag as you sought to hold your own objective and take the enemies. We played a full game so including deployment.

Prussian and German cavalry clash

The British vs French games both ended with a British victory although casualties were heavy on both sides. The Prussian vs Germans was not played to conclusion but the Germans were in the lead at the end. One nice feature was in all the games the casualty removal rules got good use as both sides cavlary attacked, withdrew and attacked again. 

French centre crumbles under British fire


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