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Sunday, 20 October 2024

Cotswold Wargames Day 2024

This year saw a change of venue to Big Battles in Cirencester.  As a purpose built wargames venue it meant we didn't have to struggle with tables this year and we were made welcome by genial hosts Derek and Andy who spent the day mingling with the players.

We staged a large French Wars of Religion game, starting with the battle of Dreux in 28mm.

There was a large Lion Rampant game based on the Crusades.  

A Dead Man's Hand wild west game, which also one an award for best looking game.   

Two WWII games, one a late-war 1/300th  and an early war Startline game in 15mm.

The Stuart Asquith trophy winner was a Franco-Prussian game in 28mm featuring some hand-cast figures in the toy soldier style.  

There was 10mm Napoleonic's

28mm French vs Ottomans from the 18th century

And finally, we ran a second game in the afternoon depicting the battle of  Vergt.  


  1. lots of good looking games there.

  2. Nice round up Stuart and great pictures of the wonderful Renaissance era figures in your club's game. Thank you for explaining it and giving me a copy of the fast play rules which I will peruse soon and see how I can adapt them!

  3. Thanks for sharing, wonderful looking games.


  4. Well done on getting 2 games in! I loved the figures you had on display, and the simple home-brew rules. See you soon Stuart!
