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Friday, 23 August 2024

The future?

We've been experimenting with resin printing recently, as an option for home production of figures either more cheaply than buying or where they are not available commercially. After some experiments we now have things set up and can print reliably with very few failures.  

My first attempts at stuff for the table are some Ottoman Napoleonic infantry from Wargames Atlantic. The file was about £12 for 5 figures, with the print cost a few pence / figure. 

In this case the figures come as bodies, arms, head and a pouch. All are printed in grey resin which you much less toxic and smelly than you might have used a couple of years ago. Its UV cured in a special chamber, then glued together. 

Each group of 5 prints in about 2 hours.  Once cured the resin is more brittle than hard plastic so you do need to be careful on things like muskets. I plan to be mindful when basing them of not having bits sticking out!  

These are then painted in the usual way, in my case with acrylics. These are painted as Nizam-i-Cedid from 19th century and are of the type who might have fought the European powers or against Napoleon in Egypt . 

28mm Ottoman Nazim-Cedid

The big plus is you can do units you might not otherwise bother with. The Ottomans are nt a popular Napoleonic army as they are pretty weak and only available in metal. The cheapness means I can afford to indulge myself despite the dubious fighting value. I have a second unit printed and will add at least one more.   

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