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Sunday, 16 June 2024

Three Ages of Rome - the Finale

Having gather his forces The Usurper (me) advanced to the gates of Rome and did battle with the forces of Nero. I deployed with my veteran Legions in the centre, flanked by allies including a smattering of Dacian forces. The Nerovian forces fielded several garrison and gladiator units to boost the numbers. 

I attacked on the flanks with cavalry massed in the east and legions supporting my auxiliary in the west. My massed auxiliary made good progress through the western woods but beyond them the legions were pressed hard by the Neronian cavalry. Centrally I pushed up slower while the cavalry, including Samarians, tried to manoeuvre around the Nerovian left.  

Attack through the western woods

Usurper cavalry in the east

Having initially held-back the Nerovian centre began to advance into contact with my veterans. This was fairly even but on my left I was being pushed back by the loyalist cavalry.   

Nero doing well in the west

Eventually I was able to push through the western woods and support the attack in the centre. The centre was pretty attractional but a few Nerovian legions were forced back creating gaps in the line and allowing some double charges.  

Nero's centre collapses

A couple of hours in the Nerovian morale began to falter with units pushed back in the centre and in the east. I was still losing in the west but that was not enough to prevent the collapse of loyalist morale.  

    So a win for The Usurper and like history he was forced to flee the city.    

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