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Saturday, 4 May 2024

Three Ages of Rome - week 1

The opening week of the campaign say the barbarian forces attacking the Roman frontier across the line, with three battles where the Romans were on the strategic defensive. In all three games the Romans needed to push the barbarians back across the river marking the frontier, whilst stopping them from sacking the local town.

We played 18 points of Roman vs 24 points of barbarians and this seemed to give a decent game that be played through in 2-3 hours. 

Game 1: Roman vs Dacia - 28mm. Rome Wins

The Romans attack rapidly on their left and centre, whilst holding back on the right where they were outnumbered, to try weakening the enemy with shooting.  

The rapid advance on the left pushed the Dacians back and badly damaged their cavalry. Centrally the Romans suffered under heavy fire and only just held on against the Dacian attack.   

Slingers and cavalry on the Roman right managed to hold off the attack there and allow the attack on the left to cause enough damage to rout the barbarians for a Roman win.

Game 2: Roman vs Gallic - 20mm Draw?

This was a confusing melee with units all over the place! Both sides attacked with the Gauls trying to outflank the Romans and sack the village. 

Centrally there was pell mell of swirling units, with the Romans making decent ground against the Gauls.  Sufficient damage as done to force a army rout which they survived.

Eventually the Gauls morale did fail but not before they has sacked the town. A draw perhaps?

Game 3: Roman vs Gallic- 20mm. Rome Wins

This was a game neat lines and chequer-board deployment. The Romans advanced steadily seeking to pressure the Gauls across the line.

After a fierce tussle the Romans disciple held and  


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