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Sunday, 3 March 2024

Its not easy being Green

This weekend I managed to squeeze in some Firefight scifi mass skirmish, despite the best efforts of the snow. The scenario involved trying to secure three High Value Individuals (HVIs), with progressive scoring meaning you got more points the longer you held them.

I was playing Space Orks Marauders vs Rats Veer-Myn. The rats are tunnelling theme with lots of mining gear while the Orks have lots of noisy shooty things but love getting stuck in.   

Veer Myn tunnellers

Marauder tank and Walker 

We  both contested only two of the three objectives, leaving the central ones as the main one to fight over. Sadly I basically lost the game by not understanding how the Scouting advanced movement rules and unit deployment worked. So first activation in turn 1 the central HVI was already 12" from the centre and disappearing into the mass of Rats, leaving me with only one I could grab and needing to attack the strongest part of the Rats army.    

I advanced as quickly as possible aiming to cause some damage and try-out the various units  as it was clear I'd be outscored in turn 1 to an extent that I could not catch up. The Tank and the Rainmakers with their Gatling guns caused plenty of damage but could nt really impact on the scenario scoring.   

Ork casualties were pretty light and I did lots of kills but ran out a long way behind on VPs due to the deployment error. 



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