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Sunday, 25 September 2022

Cotswold Wargames Day - 2022

This Sunday 30+ local gamers all gathered in Nothleach for the 3rd Cotswold Wargames Day organised by local gamer Keith Flint. His blog can be found here KEITH'S WARGAMING BLOG (

There were 8 games this year and I think we peaked at 33 players. There was a strong Horse and Musket flavour to this year's games.

First up was a lovely looking AWI games all in 28mm Perry. It rightly won best terrain for its 12 foot table and would have been my pick for best game. It even featured some animated shooting effects.

There was also a SYW game all in vintage 25mm figures with the Prussians taking on French (I think) 

For those with less space there was a very pretty 10mm game with levels of painting that looked amazing. It was a 19th century game, but I forgot to ask the sides. Definitely Italians on one side from the flags.  

JP produced his usual monster game ably assisted by Charlie, with massed Prussian Lancers the most eye-catching feature. His YouTube channel will have more details I'm sure. (602) J P - YouTube 

Dr Dave and friends staged a Sharp Practice game set in Spain with some really nice terrain and I think they resisted including the eponymous hero.

The side room, or desert room, had two ancients' games both set in the middle east. In the first Babylonians battled it out with a huge number of chariots and the second was the Battle of Kadesh.

Back in the main hall we had a WWII 1/72 game set in Russia with lots of lease-lend Churchills employed by the Soviets.

Finally, our own game - the Battle of Walcourt from 1689 using Richard and Nigel's extensive 17th Century collectons. 

Much to our surprise we scooped the award for Best Game and along with it the Stuart Asquith trophy for a year.   

 As always big thanks for Keith for staging the event and providing the rations. Now we need to think about 2023. Maybe we'll look at some Colonials for that.



  1. Your own game was a worthy winner Stu. You all looked really involved and you were obviously having a good time. Best game doesn't just mean lovely figures and terrain - it's the game itself.

  2. Well done on winning the Stuart Asquith trophy! I wish I'd had more time to look at your game as I'm planning some Monmouth Rebellion and Glorious Revolution type games in 10mm with Barry Hilton's War of the Three Kings rules at some point.

    Our 10mm game was pure ImagiNations, with the 'Italians' being Ruthenians and using the Austrian flag from the Mexican Revolution as I liked the colours and it had the double headed eagle in the centre. Thanks for your kinds words re: our painting skills, which are basic but work fine for 10mm.

  3. It was an enjoyable day and I loved looking at your figures, very impressive.
    Thank you for the shout for my game (18th century battle of Molwitz aka Grant style). Looking forward to next year.

