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Tuesday, 15 January 2019

The Crusades - A Kings of War Historic Campaign

This week we begin our latest campaign and so it seemed useful to publish the proposed rules. We'll be using Mantic's Kings of War with some of the campaign additions from Clash of Kings.

Short is the way, little the labour

- Baleric of Dol, 1095


The First Crusade began when Emperor Alexios I of Byzantium requested western help in repelling the Seljuk Turks from his lands. Seeing an opportunity to recapture Jerusalem, Pope Urban II called the council of Clermont on November 25 1095 with the aim of raising an army. So it was that a Crusade was declared and several armies set forth to recapture the holy lands.

Turn Sequence

The campaign concerns the advance of two Crusader armies as they attempt to recapture Jerusalem from the Islamic Saracen forces. Each turn the Crusader attempt to capture a town and fend off a relief force. A 5,6 (D6) is needed to capture the town with +2 per the after the first.          

All games are fought with 3000 points. Initial army lists are provided and may be varied as the campaign progresses, with a maximum of 500 points changing. 


Objective: Both sides total the points of enemy routed units. Highest wins so long as the different is 10% of the starting army points.

Objective: Both sides total the points of their troops inside the enemies half. Highest wins so long as the difference is 10% of the starting army points.   
Setup: There is a prominent terrain piece in the centre of the table.
Objective: Both sides total the points with 12” of the table centre. Highest wins so long as the difference is 10% of the starting army points.   

Setup: D3+4 objectives are placed on the table. Players place them alternately. None may be closer than 12” to another
Objective: Winner is the one controlling the most objectives. To do this be within 3” of an objective with no enemy within 3” 
Setup: Place 3 objectives on the centre line. One is dead centre and one is placed by each side, not within 12” of another.
Objective: Units captured them by touching them. Units speed is then slowed to 5”. You win by controlling or exiting the most objectives.
Kill and Pillage
Setup: Follow the process for Pillage.
Objective: Count points as for Kill but also add 10% of the original army total for each objective controlled.
Objective: Place bounty tokens on your 3 most expensive units. Additionally place an objective marker in the dead centre. Gain:
·         1 VP if you hold the objective
·         1 VP for each friendly bounty not routed
·         2 VP for each enemy bounty routed
Roll for Scenario
1.    Kill
2.    Invade
3.    Dominate
4.    Pillage
5.    Loot
6.    Special (1D4 below)

Special battles
1.    Kill and Pillage
2.    Eliminate
3.    Hill Top Defence
4.    Ambush


Units can grow in experience as the campaign progresses and become more powerful. At the end of each battle the winner gets 3 experience rolls and the loser 1. You may have as many experienced units as you wish in your roster but a maximum of 5 can be fielded for each battle.

Infantry / Cavalry
Veteran: Chose a Vet ability upto 20 points
8 / 9
Skilled: +3 attacks, max 3 times
Furious: Gain Vicious ability
Trail blazer: Gain Pathfinder ability
4 / 5
Rallying: Gain Rallying (1) or add 1 to Rallying ability
Grizzled: Gain Elite ability
6 / 7
Brave: +1 nerve, max 3 times
Inspiring: Gain Inspiring or become Very Inspiring if already Inspiring 
General / Officer
Veteran: Chose a Vet ability upto 20 points
8 / 9
Skilled: +1 attacks, max 3 times
Furious: Gain Vicious ability
Trail blazer: Gain Pathfinder ability
Rallying: Gain Rallying (1) or add 1 to Rallying ability
Grizzled: Gain Elite ability
Inspiring: Gain Inspiring or become Very Inspiring if already Inspiring 
Dread: Gain Dread ability, so enemy units in 6” may not benefit from Inspiring
6 / 7
Brave: +1 nerve, max 3 times

The capture of Antioch and Aleppo gives the Crusaders access to the following items. These items must be carried by a unit and may be lost to the enemy.

Antioch: Holy Lance – Disciplined. Unit is Headstrong
Aleppo: Icon of Saint Simeon – Sacred Standard. Reroll routs even if not Inspired.  

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