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Saturday, 16 June 2018

Kings of War - scratch built artillery

In my previous KOW games I've not used any artillery as this did not really fit with my Arabian themed army. So as I'm building my Lizardmen I spotted the option for some artillery from the Trident Realm list.

Leviathans Bane is a giant harpoon gun, so a fairly simple design. The frame is made using a spare saddle from a firedrake model with a pen barrel and a leftover spear.

I've opted for a subtle grey colour scheme, hopefully reminiscent of a cold, grey, British seaside day.

The crew are some figures from the mists of time - Citadel AD&D Sea Devils from the 80's, but they look the part.



  1. Very nifty, I think with artillery you want to deploy a couple of units to guarantee enough hits each turn to be effective rather than just a nuisance.

  2. Maybe useful to mount on a dinosaur or to annoy a high defence monster though

  3. A fiendish looking piece of kit!
