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Sunday, 27 September 2015

Le Haye Sainte - Italeri 1/72 scale

This weeks project was building the Le Haye Sainte MDF building set from Italeri.

Italeri 1/72 scale Le Haye Sainte


This comes in three separate boxes - the Farm House / Outer Walls, the Stables, and finally the Barn.

The build took about 4-5 hours over the coarse of a Saturday. As the walls were somewhat thinner than my usual foam-core creations I decided to reinforce a number of the joints

The doors and windows are made from card and supplied in strips - I glued them on before assembly

The completed model

The whole model covers an area about 2 foot square, so a decent sized centre piece for a game. As the major components are separate the Barn and Farm House could be used separately, as could the Buttery. Although 1/72 it will work fine for my 28mm figures

The Barn

The Stables

The Farm House

The Front Wall

The Completed Model


  1. what type of glue and paint would you use on this? are there any tricks or "pit-falls" to watch out for? thanks, great blog

  2. what type of glue and paint would you use on this? are there any tricks or "pit-falls" to watch out for? thanks, great blog

  3. Just spotted this - I used superglue, the runny-type not the gel one. I'd previously been warned that wood glue / PVA has too much water in and this gets absorbed causing warping in the joints
