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Saturday, 27 July 2024

Battle of Nyborg - 1659

Being on holiday this week allowed me to squeeze-in an additional game - Battle of Nyborg using Beneath the Lilly Banners. This battle was part of the Dano-Swedish wars of 1658 - 1660. Following the Swedes failed attempt to capture Copenhagen in the autumn of 1659, they dispersed their forces into winter quarters. The Danish-led coalition decided to attack part of the force near the coastal town of Nyborg.

The Swedes were somewhat surprised so had no defences ready but were able to cover their flanks with a lake and some woods. An unusual feature was that the Danish and German commanders could not agree who should be in charge and so each fought their own battle, which we simulated by having no overall C-in-C for that side. The Danish/Allies had 12*horse, 9*foot, and 2* light artillery. The Swedes had 8*horse, 7*foot, and 1*field artillery.  

Allied left wing (east side)

German horse with accompanying wagon

Swedes wait in defence

The Allies advanced cautiously with their horse while their infantry pushed slowly through some fields in the centre of the field. The Swedes contented themselves with some long-range artillery fire that did cause one of the attacking Danish units to become shaken.    

Swedes right wing horse (west)

Seeing an opening the Swedes launched an attack on the Danish left and routed the shaken unit. They then poured more horse into the hole created and a fierce melee ensued in the east of the field.   

Swedes breakthrough in the east

Sensing the need to quicken the attack the Danish/Allied horse in the west launched an attack but were constrained by some marshy ground. Failing to charge, they were hit at the halt by the Swedes and pushed back. This meant the Swedes were pushing deep into the Allied position on both flanks and risked flanking the infantry centre. 

Melee in the west

More action in the east

Despite their success the Swedes eventually ran of of fresh units and left the Danes with superior numbers in the west. As the infantry lines eventually clashed the Swedes inflicted damage on the advancing Allies from behind their improvised defences. 

Allied reinforcements in the west

By the time the mists had cleared on the cavalry melee on each flank, it was agreed the Swedes were in too good a position for the Danes to attack and so they withdrew leaving the field to the Swedes in a reversal of history.  

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Wars of Religion - week 3

As all the attackers lost last week we are back in the centre of the map fighting some pitched battles.

Game 1 - Ottoman (North) vs WOR (South), Fields of Glory

 A straightforward kill scenario with points scored for each unit killed, with the value depending on the unit type. The WOR deployed with their infantry centrally, Horse on the east side, and some shot covering the west. The Ottomans was more balanced with guns in the centre, infantry either side and Horse split evenly between the flanks.     

WOR massed heavy cavalry

Ottoman Horse in the east

Sekban infatry

Both sides attacked on their left and so the early action saw the WOR cavalry attacking Ottoman Horse in the east with support from the Sekban infantry and the guns. The WOR Horse were slower than planned so took loses before being able to launch aa attack. This was pushed back with further heavy losses.

The Ottomans managed to get around the western flank of the WOR and centrally one of the three WOR infantry units was destroyed by Janissary fire. Northern Win in 5 turns.

Game 2 - WOR (North) vs WOR (South); Capture the Line

Here there are three terrain pieces, including a central village, that must be taken and held. The northern forces deployed with central infantry and cavalry flanks. The southern forces placed all their Horse in the east.  

Northern Horse take the hill in the west

The northern forces moved quickest and managed to take the hill on their side, central village and threaten the wood on the southern side. 

Despite being outnumbered the northern horse were able to contest the hill for the whole of the game and eventually with artillery and infantry support establish a lead on that terrain feature. 

The hill is contested

Centrally south tried to apply pressure to the town but one of its units was routed  by a northern Horse flank charge, leaving the north with a lead on that feature. The souths wood was also contested as it was lightly guarded.

Southern foot routed

After 5 moves the north was 3 points up and so would win at the end of turn 6 if things remained the same. This prompted the south to launch a set of assaults they would otherwise not have done, sadly all failed leaving the north in majority control of all three terrain pieces.  Northern Win

Game 3 - Landsknechts (North) vs WOR (South), Capture the Hills

This battle is fought on the diagonal, with both sides looking to take and hold three hills. Again points for units on the hills. In this game both sides lined up with their Horse in the north and their foot in the south. This left the northern cavalry outnumbered contesting one hill but the southern foot outnumbered contesting the other two.   

The WOR cavalry quickly overran one of the hills and pushed on to attack the German Horse, who held firm under strong pressure. Meanwhile the Germans managed to get tercios onto the two remaining hills and additional units in support.  

The WOR infantry stopped to enter into a long-range fire fight in the hopes their superior shooting might soften up the Germans before an attack. It had only limited effect and meant they left it too late to mount an assault. 

So a Northern Win in turn 6 by 3 points.

Campaign position

A strong week for the North, with them winning all three games and so pushing forward across the line into Southern territory.




Monday, 22 July 2024

Wars of Religion - week 2

A decent turn-out again this week so we were able to fight all three games. To balance up the sides the Ottomans have turned mercenary and will fight for whoever is short handed. In all three games the attackers were on the march and got intercepted by defending forces. The games all featured a Vanguard who them had to be reinforced by the remaining troops.

Game 1 - Landsknechts (north) vs WOR (south), For King or Country

The variation of the theme here is that both sides had a forlorn hope who must try to stay with 12" of the table centre to score additional points, as well as points for killing the enemy. The Germans deployed 4 Tercios with a small amount of supporting units, with two of them as Forlorn Hopes, hoping to swamp the middle with large units.   

Landsknecht tercios attack

The larger WOR army was also more mobile and so moved to flank the Germans. As a tactic this has limited effect as they are in field square and so can not be flanked. 

So, hard fighting in the middle saw the Germans pushed back after some losses and the WOR able to claim a victory for a defender win. Southern Win.  

Chaos in the centre

Game 2 - Polish (north)  vs WOR (south) , A Question of Honour

In this game additional points are scored for having more units over the half way line as well as the traditional kills.  The Polish deployed their infantry as a Vanguard with the cavalry looking to come and save the day.  The WOR more or less matched this deployment. 

Some early cavalry action was in the WOR favour as they routed the Lost Men with their Demi Lancers. They also managed to gain the upper hand in the fire combat with them doing better than the Polish foot.   

Some tricky turns saw the Hussars on the left routed and so the WOR were able to claim the win on kills. Southern Win 

Game 3 - WOR (south) vs WOR (north)/Ottoman, A Question of Honour

The Northern troops deployed with the WOR on the left and the Ottomans on the right in the Vanguard. This placed the Ottomans opposite some Southern horse and lighter troops, needing to hold off the Southern infantry centre long enough for the Northern units to arrive.  

Janissaries await the attack  

Some smart shooting from the Janissaries and guns saw the southern troops on that side in retreat after a couple of turns which allowed the Northern main bode to arrive and block the Southern advance. The Turks then turn the flank with a Northern win in 5 turns. Northern Win

Campaign Position

Despite being at a slight disadvantage the defenders won all three games and so the attackers are pushed back into the centre of the map foe next week.