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Sunday, 26 March 2023

Something old, something new....

Having painted quite a few historical units recently I've switched to some Scifi skirmish. These chaps are the Enforcers faction from Mantic's Deadzone rules - small unit action in futuristic BUAs. for those not into Scifi I think the rules could work for Stalingrad games so thats a future option.  

The Enforcers are a human faction that's all about superhuman power-armed dudes in classic space marine mode. The Peacekeepers are the most heavily armoured and generally favour ranged attacks.

Peacekeepers with additional armour

Heavy weapons peacekeepers

Peacekeeper leader

The Operatives are more lightly armoured but still well protected compared to many units

Operative Leader and Sniper

Operatives with melee weapons

Operatives with rifles - your bog standard chaps 

Operatives with heavy weapons

Finally for this batch the D.O.G. weapons platform. 

This is an OLD idea (space marines), a NEW rule set (Deadzone), the figures are "BARROWED" (donated by my brother) and they are painted BLUE. 


Saturday, 25 March 2023

Leipzig, 16th Oct 1813 - Wachau, Markkleeburg & Dolitz

The first game of the campaign was on the central front at Wachau, Markkleeburg and Doltiz. The Coalition were attacking with neither side having allocated any reinforcements.

The Grand ArmeĆ© fielded one cavalry and 5 infantry brigades facing off against 2 cavalry and 4 infantry for The Coalition. The GA started in defensive positions across the three villages with a guards brigade holding the centre.    

Germans opposite the allied right

The Young Guard in the centre  

French on the allied left

The allies deployed with Austrians in the centre and Prussians / Russians on each wing. The Prussians cavalry deployed across the river, placing them behind the flank of the German defenders.  

The Allies attacked on the wings with Russian infantry pushing forward on the left whilst the Prussian cavalry crossed the river to put pressure on the Germans and stop them reinforcing the village to their front.   

Prussians approach the German held village

Centrally the Austrians advanced cautiously and became involved in tussle with the French cavalry. Meanwhile the Prussians quickly took the village on the right flank and their cavalry pushed back the shaken German infantry with help from the Austrian lights. 

Russians making progress

On the left the Russians crunched into the French defenders and were able to send them backwards allowing the capture of a second village. With both flanks lost and losses over 50% the Grand ArmeĆ© was forced to retreat. So game 1 is Coalition Victory.    



Sunday, 19 March 2023

Leipzig - final warm-up

 With a few players away this week we decided not to start the campaign proper but instead to play a game at about 2/3 the planned size. A village and a hill on the centre line provided the objectives for both sides to attack. It was Germans and French vs Russians and Prussians.  All 4 players fielded 2 infantry and 1 cavalry brigade each. 

French infantry near the village

Russian horse with infantry support

The Russians and Frenched squared off on one side of the village contesting some fields in the east of the table. The Germans faced the Prussians with both fighting over half the village and the hill in the west.

The Germans crested the rise with most of their troops, clearly looking to attack the village from the flanks. They were met by the Prussian cavalry who managed to catch one unit while forming square and pursue them into another. Although eventually vanquish the Prussian horse tied-down most of the German division for the game.  
Germans crest the rise

Prussians are waiting for them

The Russians advanced quickly towards the waiting French and there was a clash of heavies which sent the French reeling back. This allowed time for the Russians to assault the village and quickly claim an objective.   

Clash of heavies

With the Germans distracted, the Prussians claimed the other half of the village with the bulk of their infantry. The Russians then pushed further into the French backfield routing a couple more units.  

Prussians capture half of the village

Russians assault the French

The game ended with the Russians / Prussians in control of the whole village (2 objectives) and the Germans holding the hill (1 objective). So a win for the Coalition forces on this occasion. 

Sunday, 12 March 2023

Leipzig warm-up 2

For this week's game we were joined by Keith Flint, who is the author of the Shadow of the Eagles rules that we're using. Always helpful to have the writer on hand if there are any questions. We went with a simple set-up that saw both sides attacking on their lefts and refusing their right.

Germans holding a village for the French

Young Guard advance 

French and German horse

Russian Grenadiers holding a village 

Swedes attack

Things were going well for the Coalition units in the early and middle parts of the game. This all changed though when the Russian's defending the village on their right decided to attack the Germans opposite them. 

They fell prey to some German cavalry and this led to the line being rolled-up and the French emerging as slightly unexpected winners. 

Oh dear....


Sunday, 5 March 2023

Leipzig - warm-up part 1

We're moving to our next project which is Leipzig using The Shadow of the Eagles (SOTE) by local gamer Keith Flint. So this the first of two warm-up games to remind everyone of the rules. 

Very much a thrash so limited tactical discussion and everyone just pushing forward. We fielded 5 infantry and 3 cavalry brigade a side. 

Quite a few people brought figures along so a good selection of troops on display. 

Russian infantry brigade



On one side we deployed most of the mounted to remind  ourselves how it all works

French and German cavalry 

Swedish Horse

Germans attack a village

Swedes assault the other village 

Russians recapture a village from the French

All-in-all a good run-out for the rules and a chance to knock the rust off our bayonets.